Saturday, February 18, 2012

*Coming Soon Goodies* Covers and Such

So there are quite a few things I wanted to share with ya! Let's get it started...

First New Early Release Date and Beautiful Cover graphic
*Steal it, Spread the news!*

That's right... Drool!!!

Now I have found New Covers for Heather M. White's Books and I LOVE them!!

From The Destiny Saga...

And from The Vampire Hunters Series...


  1. I have the first 2 books in the Significance series and I will be reading them very soon! I'm lovin' those covers-hehe! Do you know when the PB version of Defiance is coming out? I think the ebook version is usually first, right?

  2. I like these covers, they stand out! hmmm, my ToRead Pile is getting huge! But I might still throw them on top.

  3. Those are really pretty covers. I read Significance, I bought Accordance, but still haven't read it yet. I will definitely be getting Defiance when it comes out. The covers for Heather M White's books are fabulous!!


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